Get More Results From A Color Analysis
Apr 15, 2024
The thing I will never feel wrong about when it comes to teaching women to dress in color is to share with them that you deserve more than a simple palette of random colors. They can't transform you the way I wish every woman could embrace.
Let me explain...
My Google Photos recently served me photos from over ten years ago. (The first two.)
They reminded me that I've come a long way, and the world has, too. Color analysis used to be an old-school 1980s thing for most - our mothers did it - but it's made a resurgence since social media apps and short-form videos have sensationalized its process. Now, there are many online color tips and tricks and the Pinterest and Google DIY-ing you can do is almost overwhelming.
With this surge and as a veteran (i.e., a color career since 2011) in the industry, I get these questions:
"Do you still do color analysis?
"Can I just get my palette of colors done?"
"Can I just get a service?"
"Do I need all of the image stuff?"`
I've been doing my work as a skincare & makeup artist since 1998, a personal brand marketing consultant since 2000 and a certified image and color consultant since 2011.
Did I start by doing single services: a color draping, a body measurement analysis, a closet audit and wardrobe styling? Yes, I did.
However, very soon after building my business, around 2014 (the selfie photo), I realized that surface-level outcomes would never be enough to change a woman's dressing, self-image and confidence permanently. A shirt can't do that. A new color in your closet can't do that. It still can't.
What actually changes a woman's confidence is attaching how she sees herself to how the world sees her.
And so it was only a short time after I took these pictures that I developed my one-of-a-kind Hue and Style® process, including what a regular color analysis can't teach you - the science and psychology around what you put on your body for confidence-building, self-acceptance, law of attraction activating emotions and memorable visibility.
Once I did that, my clients' results skyrocketed! They dressed in the best style of their lives, became more visible AND developed the confidence and resilience skills to take on anything.
I've never looked back.
So, the short answer? "Yes. I still do color analysis."
I offer my Hue and Style® Color Power Color Analysis inside my image-confidence program and together with a personalized palette of 36 signature hues come my teaching in the Hue and Style® Color Influence Color Psychology course - a one-of-a-kind color communication system for teaching you to use combinations of your new hues to connect, communicate and captivate to your audience, lift your mood, align with your daily intentions and transform your entire dressing experience - forever.
And because I know a palette of color alone won't change your world by itself, I don't leave you to figure out the rest of your body, style, and presence alone. I become your personal mentor and come alongside you to teach, mentor and empower my clients to accept and love their bodies and create amazing outfits with an efficient closet that doesn't require you to be a fashionista or to break the bank. Plus, I share everything you don't know about presenting yourself to others so they will respond by seeing your value.
I know many women will want to pay a couple hundred bucks and get a palette of colors, and maybe that's all you want. Fine. Cool. There's plenty out there that can give you that short-sighted answer.
I want more for you - especially if you're going to show up in any room as your most authentic self despite your age, stage, weight, size or body shape and have your presence and personal brand to be, do, build or grow.
To do that, you'll need more than colors with no context in a palette; they won't be enough to pull together a strategy for how people buy from or into you; nor will it reignite your motivation to get dressed that lasts. For that, you need a complete image strategy, and THAT is my expertise. My clients master and use it in every part of their lives - business, marriage, parenting, friendships, and even their wellness!
But don't take my word for it, listen to Brownyn from Australia: